b. abdominals – STEP 1 – BOSU ABS

Every second Wednesday I will be giving you some simple workout exercise clips to show you the how to get b. fitness.  These mini clips will be short and easy exercises that you can add easily to your fitness program.  The exercises I will be sharing are the exact ones that I do regulary.

b. abdominals -STEP 1 -BOSU ABS

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This exercise is the lower abdominal killer—- it tightens and strengthens that lower core section of the abdominals.

You will need

  • 1 mat
  • 1 bosu ball

1. Seat your butt onto the centre of the ball.

2.Use your hands to stabilise your body as you lean back into V position.

3. Complete a V sit tuck to complete the whole exercise

4. Remain strong through your abdominals as the complete exercise and focus your attention on your belly button.

5. Complete 3 sets of 12 -15 V sits.

b. is wearing – black nike pro shorts, onzie crop top and nike roshe shoes all from www.stylerunner.com


